Parent's Rights
And Responsibilities

Parents have both rights and responsibilities when it comes to raising and caring for their children. These rights and responsibilities are generally based on the best interests of the child and the parent’s duty to provide a safe and nurturing environment. Here’s an overview of parents’ rights and responsibilities:

Parents’ Rights

  1. Right to Custody and Care: Parents have the legal right to have custody of their children and make decisions regarding their care, upbringing, and well-being.

  2. Right to Make Decisions: Parents have the right to make important decisions on behalf of their children, including medical, educational, and religious decisions.

  3. Right to Parental Leave: In many countries, parents have the right to take parental leave to care for their newborns or newly adopted children without risking their jobs.

  4. Right to Participate in Children’s Education: Parents have the right to be involved in their children’s education, attend parent-teacher conferences, and advocate for their educational needs.

  5. Right to Privacy: Parents have the right to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of their family matters and personal information.

  6. Right to Discipline: Parents have the right to discipline their children responsibly, using methods that are appropriate, non-abusive, and aimed at guiding their behavior.

Parents’ Responsibilities:

  1. Providing Basic Needs: Parents are responsible for providing their children with food, clothing, shelter, and other basic necessities required for their well-being.

  2. Ensuring Safety and Security: Parents are responsible for creating a safe and secure environment for their children, protecting them from harm and danger.

  3. Education and Learning: Parents have a responsibility to ensure their children have access to education and support their learning and intellectual development.

  4. Healthcare: Parents are responsible for their children’s physical and emotional health, ensuring they receive appropriate medical care and attention when needed.

  5. Emotional Support: Parents have a responsibility to provide emotional support, love, and encouragement to their children, fostering a positive and nurturing family environment.

  6. Setting Boundaries and Discipline: Parents are responsible for setting appropriate boundaries and using discipline methods that are fair, consistent, and promote positive behavior.

  7. Instilling Values and Morals: Parents have a responsibility to teach their children values, ethics, and moral principles to guide their conduct and decision-making.

  8. Promoting Independence: As children grow, parents should encourage their independence and gradually empower them to make responsible choices.

  9. Leading by Example: Parents are role models for their children. Leading by example and demonstrating positive behavior are essential for shaping their children’s character.

  10. Advocating for Children’s Rights: Parents should advocate for their children’s rights and well-being, ensuring they have access to opportunities and resources that support their development.

Parents’ Rights

  1. Right to Custody and Care: Parents have the legal right to have custody of their children and make decisions regarding their care, upbringing, and well-being.

  2. Right to Make Decisions: Parents have the right to make important decisions on behalf of their children, including medical, educational, and religious decisions.

  3. Right to Parental Leave: In many countries, parents have the right to take parental leave to care for their newborns or newly adopted children without risking their jobs.

  4. Right to Participate in Children’s Education: Parents have the right to be involved in their children’s education, attend parent-teacher conferences, and advocate for their educational needs.

  5. Right to Privacy: Parents have the right to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of their family matters and personal information.

  6. Right to Discipline: Parents have the right to discipline their children responsibly, using methods that are appropriate, non-abusive, and aimed at guiding their behavior.

Parents’ Responsibilities:

  1. Providing Basic Needs: Parents are responsible for providing their children with food, clothing, shelter, and other basic necessities required for their well-being.

  2. Ensuring Safety and Security: Parents are responsible for creating a safe and secure environment for their children, protecting them from harm and danger.

  3. Education and Learning: Parents have a responsibility to ensure their children have access to education and support their learning and intellectual development.

  4. Healthcare: Parents are responsible for their children’s physical and emotional health, ensuring they receive appropriate medical care and attention when needed.

  5. Emotional Support: Parents have a responsibility to provide emotional support, love, and encouragement to their children, fostering a positive and nurturing family environment.

  6. Setting Boundaries and Discipline: Parents are responsible for setting appropriate boundaries and using discipline methods that are fair, consistent, and promote positive behavior.

  7. Instilling Values and Morals: Parents have a responsibility to teach their children values, ethics, and moral principles to guide their conduct and decision-making.

  8. Promoting Independence: As children grow, parents should encourage their independence and gradually empower them to make responsible choices.

  9. Leading by Example: Parents are role models for their children. Leading by example and demonstrating positive behavior are essential for shaping their children’s character.

  10. Advocating for Children’s Rights: Parents should advocate for their children’s rights and well-being, ensuring they have access to opportunities and resources that support their development.

Parent's Rights And Responsibilities

Parents have both rights and responsibilities when it comes to raising and caring for their children. These rights and responsibilities are generally based on the best interests of the child and the parent’s duty to provide a safe and nurturing environment. Here’s an overview of parents’ rights and responsibilities:

Parents’ Rights

  1. Right to Custody and Care: Parents have the legal right to have custody of their children and make decisions regarding their care, upbringing, and well-being.

  2. Right to Make Decisions: Parents have the right to make important decisions on behalf of their children, including medical, educational, and religious decisions.

  3. Right to Parental Leave: In many countries, parents have the right to take parental leave to care for their newborns or newly adopted children without risking their jobs.

  4. Right to Participate in Children’s Education: Parents have the right to be involved in their children’s education, attend parent-teacher conferences, and advocate for their educational needs.

  5. Right to Privacy: Parents have the right to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of their family matters and personal information.

  6. Right to Discipline: Parents have the right to discipline their children responsibly, using methods that are appropriate, non-abusive, and aimed at guiding their behavior.

Parents’ Responsibilities:

  1. Providing Basic Needs: Parents are responsible for providing their children with food, clothing, shelter, and other basic necessities required for their well-being.

  2. Ensuring Safety and Security: Parents are responsible for creating a safe and secure environment for their children, protecting them from harm and danger.

  3. Education and Learning: Parents have a responsibility to ensure their children have access to education and support their learning and intellectual development.

  4. Healthcare: Parents are responsible for their children’s physical and emotional health, ensuring they receive appropriate medical care and attention when needed.

  5. Emotional Support: Parents have a responsibility to provide emotional support, love, and encouragement to their children, fostering a positive and nurturing family environment.

  6. Setting Boundaries and Discipline: Parents are responsible for setting appropriate boundaries and using discipline methods that are fair, consistent, and promote positive behavior.

  7. Instilling Values and Morals: Parents have a responsibility to teach their children values, ethics, and moral principles to guide their conduct and decision-making.

  8. Promoting Independence: As children grow, parents should encourage their independence and gradually empower them to make responsible choices.

  9. Leading by Example: Parents are role models for their children. Leading by example and demonstrating positive behavior are essential for shaping their children’s character.

  10. Advocating for Children’s Rights: Parents should advocate for their children’s rights and well-being, ensuring they have access to opportunities and resources that support their development.

Parents’ Rights

  1. Right to Custody and Care: Parents have the legal right to have custody of their children and make decisions regarding their care, upbringing, and well-being.

  2. Right to Make Decisions: Parents have the right to make important decisions on behalf of their children, including medical, educational, and religious decisions.

  3. Right to Parental Leave: In many countries, parents have the right to take parental leave to care for their newborns or newly adopted children without risking their jobs.

  4. Right to Participate in Children’s Education: Parents have the right to be involved in their children’s education, attend parent-teacher conferences, and advocate for their educational needs.

  5. Right to Privacy: Parents have the right to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of their family matters and personal information.

  6. Right to Discipline: Parents have the right to discipline their children responsibly, using methods that are appropriate, non-abusive, and aimed at guiding their behavior.

Parents’ Responsibilities:

  1. Providing Basic Needs: Parents are responsible for providing their children with food, clothing, shelter, and other basic necessities required for their well-being.

  2. Ensuring Safety and Security: Parents are responsible for creating a safe and secure environment for their children, protecting them from harm and danger.

  3. Education and Learning: Parents have a responsibility to ensure their children have access to education and support their learning and intellectual development.

  4. Healthcare: Parents are responsible for their children’s physical and emotional health, ensuring they receive appropriate medical care and attention when needed.

  5. Emotional Support: Parents have a responsibility to provide emotional support, love, and encouragement to their children, fostering a positive and nurturing family environment.

  6. Setting Boundaries and Discipline: Parents are responsible for setting appropriate boundaries and using discipline methods that are fair, consistent, and promote positive behavior.

  7. Instilling Values and Morals: Parents have a responsibility to teach their children values, ethics, and moral principles to guide their conduct and decision-making.

  8. Promoting Independence: As children grow, parents should encourage their independence and gradually empower them to make responsible choices.

  9. Leading by Example: Parents are role models for their children. Leading by example and demonstrating positive behavior are essential for shaping their children’s character.

  10. Advocating for Children’s Rights: Parents should advocate for their children’s rights and well-being, ensuring they have access to opportunities and resources that support their development.

Parent's Rights and Responsibilities

Parent’s rights and responsibilities you have the right to … Visit my family child care home at any time during our operating hours. To volunteer for special events, projects, or attend field trips. Request a conference regarding your child’s progress any time during our operating hours. 

Request alternative activities for your child if curriculum or holiday activities do not coincide to your religious, cultural, or family values. Know that your child is being physically, mentally, and emotionally nurtured and cared for. You are responsible for… Bringing your child clean, well-rested and dressed properly for the weather conditions on a daily basis. Picking up your child, in a timely manner when notified about his or her illness or injury. Providing personal care items and special dietary food as needed for your child. Paying all tuition payments and fees, in a timely manner and in accordance with our payment policies. Observing all policies and procedures set forth in our parent handbook.

Safe Sleep Requirements

We always place infant on his or her back to sleep in their own pack n’ play. We place infants in sleeping equipment consistent with sleeping equipment WAC, which requires: *A clean, firm, and snug-fitting mattress designed specifically for the particular equipment that does not have tears or holes or repaired with tape. 

*Remove sleeping infant from car seat, swing or similar equipment. *A mattress with an appropriate fitted sheet. We do not use blankets, stuffed toys, pillows, crib bumpers, sleep positioners and/or any similar items. We do not allow blankets to cover or drape over the sleeping equipment. We make sure nothing covers the infants head and face. We take steps so infants do not get too warm during sleep, with the infants arms free. We do not use sleep positioning device unless required by written directive or medical order from health care provider.

Safe Sleep Requirements

We always place infant on his or her back to sleep in their own pack n’ play. We place infants in sleeping equipment consistent with sleeping equipment WAC, which requires: *A clean, firm, and snug-fitting mattress designed specifically for the particular equipment that does not have tears or holes or repaired with tape. *Remove sleeping infant from car seat, swing or similar equipment. *A mattress with an appropriate fitted sheet. We do not use blankets, stuffed toys, pillows, crib bumpers, sleep positioners and/or any similar items. We do not allow blankets to cover or drape over the sleeping equipment. We make sure nothing covers the infants head and face. We take steps so infants do not get too warm during sleep, with the infants arms free. We do not use sleep positioning device unless required by written directive or medical order from health care provider.

Our Policies

Illnes Policy

Discipline Policy

Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention Policy

Our Policies

Illness Policy

Discipline Policy

Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention Policy


Agreement/Enrollment Contract

Health Immunization

Allergies and Allergic Reactions

Parent's Handbook

Children's Nutrition Enrollment

Infant Feeding

Child Care Application

Holiday Schedule


Agreement/Enrollment Contract

Health Immunization

Allergies and Allergic Reactions

Parent's Handbook

Health Immunization

Agreement/Enrollment Contract

Allergies and Allergic Reactions

Parent's Handbook

Children's Nutrition Enrollment

Infant Feeding

Child Care Application

Holiday Schedule